A very important word to learn in Spanish which is also very important to the locals in South America “Cubanas” or better known as The Mullet. Do not think of the general cubana population of Australia or England that have yet to get out of the 80`s but more to the "belleza" of the football field. My observations of this master hair piece is that it can look somewhat funky being closer to a cropped mowhawk with an extra bit at the back. Though in the world of curly hair it has become affectionetely known as the woody woodpecker, thanks to Dolly and her detailed description of a bit of gaff of hair popped on top of someones head like a woody woodpecker. The Santiago version is usually, blunt fringe short side and what is supposedly for partying at the back is a mass of long straight hair that would struggle to get an invite to a bingo night. I have been a week in Santiago. On the positive note I am doing well in classes and have learnt past tense (important for conversat...
If that cactus is 7 ft, then u must only be 1 3/4 ft tall!!!
Hey, great photos, wish I was there!
Take Care,
Sue, Philippines